Project launch

23rd July 2020

Digital launch of the ECHOES project. Hear how the ECHOES project will help climate change adaptation along the Irish Sea.
Lansiad digidol prosiect ECHOES. Cyfle i glywed sut y bydd prosiect ECHOES yn helpu i addasu i’r newid yn yr hinsawdd ar hyd Môr Iwerddon.

ECHOES Digital Launch

Time: July 23rd 2020, 2.30-4.30pm

Place: Online, ZOOM webinar

Hear about the ECHOES project and from guest speakers on our precious natural resources, the impacts of climate change along the Irish Sea and collaboration opportunities to manage the challenges we face.

Limited number of places, please register your place by clicking here.

Please read our webinar guidelines before attending.


Lesley Griffiths MS

Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs

Lesley’s current responsibilities involve cross-cutting measures of mitigation and adaptation in relation to climate change, including water; land drainage; flood and coastal risk; the control of marine and air pollution, Biodiversity policy; including implementation of the Nature Recovery Plan. She was elected to the National Assembly for Wales in May 2007 and served on several Assembly Committees. Prior to this Lesley worked at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital for 20 years. Lesley and her family live in Wrexham.

MP Ben Lake

Ben Lake was brought up in Lampeter, Ceredigion. He graduated from Trinity College, Oxford with an undergraduate degree in History and Politics, and a master’s degree in Modern British and European History. He went on to become a Research Officer in the National Assembly for Wales after a short period working for Elin Jones MS for Ceredigion. He was elected as Member of Parliament for Ceredigion in 2017, becoming Wales’ youngest MP and Plaid Cymru’s youngest ever MP.

Ben is currently the Plaid Cymru spokesperson at Westminster for the Economy, Environment, Food, Rural Affairs, Education, Skills, Health, Communities, Local Government, Culture, Media, Sport and Constitutional Affairs; he was appointed a member of the Welsh Affairs Committee in September 2017. Ben won the People’s Choice Newcomer MP of the Year Award in 2019. The award celebrates the work of MPs from across the UK who actively work with under-represented and disadvantaged communities across the UK.

Professor Elizabeth Treasure

Vice-chancellor of Aberystwyth University 

Professor Elizabeth Treasure was appointed Vice-chancellor of Aberystwyth University in April 2017. Prior to that she was Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Cardiff University where she had responsibility for strategic projects including the capital programme, student recruitment, staffing and equality and diversity. She is an independent member of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, a member of the UCAS media board and of the UCAS finance committee.

Dr Peter Dennis PhD

Reader in Ecology of Grazed Ecosystems

Peter has been with Aberystwyth University since September 2006 and is currently a Reader within the Ecology Group, IBERS. He specialises in the ecology of grazed ecosystems and monitoring and assessment of biodiversity in a changing environment. Peter has authored 46 papers in scientific journals and 77 book chapters, reports and proceedings papers and has served as editor/ associate editor on various international research journals and on scientific committees, e.g., Secretary of the UK Biodiversity Science Committee (Royal Society), 2012-16.

Peter is Principal Investigator for Aberystwyth University on the ECHOES Project and Aberystwyth University are Lead Partner on the project. Peter co-ordinates the science on species distribution modelling and field ecological survey of wintering populations of the Greenland white-fronted goose and curlew. He is particularly excited at the prospect of working with existing conservation partners to investigate key habitats of these birds in estuaries and coastal wetlands fringing the Irish Sea and to anticipate impacts of the climate emergency.

Dr Clive Walmsley

Principle Climate Change Advisor at Natural Resources Wales

Clive provides the functional lead for NRW on strategic climate change issues. He has contributed to the guidance on adaptation to climate change within the UK, and internationally for the Convention on Biological Diversity. Clive has been responsible for a range of environmental monitoring initiatives, including production of The Living Environment of Wales report.

Dan Rouse

Presenter, Wildlife Conservationist and Ornithologist

Dan is a passionate conservationist, with a keen interest in ornithology. Having lived on the South Wales coast, she has a huge interest in wetlands, coastal birds and wildlife, and regularly travels the world sharing her passion through her writing and videos. Her Wild Space project (launched in 2017) has led to success as a presenter and expert on national TV, radio and internationally online. Dan and the project also travel to festivals across the country to show how we can all get involved and care for the wildlife in our gardens.

Dave Wall

Citizen Science Officer at the National Biodiversity Data Centre

Dave coordinates two citizen science surveys focused on dragonflies and damselflies, and on marine species. He has a degree in Natural Sciences and has spent the past 24 years working in ecology and conservation. He runs an ecological consultancy focused on terrestrial ecology and marine mammal monitoring and mitigation. Dave has coordinated Citizen Science surveys for the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group since 2001. Prior to his current role at NBDC he was Living Seas Officer at Ulster Wildlife.

Dr Crona Hodges

ECHOES Operation Manager, Geo Smart Decisions

Crona manages her team at Geo Smart Decisions, a geospatial consultancy, from her home office in Gwynedd and is Project Coordinator for the ECHOES project. She has a PhD in use of remote sensing imagery for mapping and monitoring semi-natural wetland vegetation and carried out her research on RSPB site Insh Marshes in Scotland. Crona has First Class degree in Environmental Science from University of Stirling and, after four years working for a large environmental consultancy in Edinburgh, she set her business up in 2011 and has been working on a wide range of projects both in the UK and abroad ever since. Crona’s professional skills and experience are in the use of spatial data analysis, satellite Earth Observation and in situ field data for informing the management and monitoring of the natural environment; various aspects of the ECHOES project are therefore of great interest to Crona and she is thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to apply her project management experience and skills to steer the ECHOES project to success.