Online Event – ECHOES Project: Results and Reflections

Thank you to those of us who joined the ECHOES Project team on Thursday 8 June 2023 for the final wrap-up event to hear about the project’s research activities, results and reflections. The video recording and the programme can be viewed below.

Part 1: What we did, 10.30am-11.30am

– Field surveys – Dr Peter Dennis, Aberystwyth University

– Catching, tagging and tracking Eurasian Curlew and Greenland White-fronted Geese – Dr Katharine Bowgen, British Trust for Ornithology

– Habitat vulnerability work: datasets used and approach – Dr Walther Cámaro, University College Cork

– Stakeholder engagement, user requirement gathering and platform development – Jyoti Upadhyay, Geo Smart Decisions and Raghnall O’Donoghue, Compass Informatics

– Questions

Part 2: What we found and developed, 11.30am-12.30pm 

– Analysis of bird tracking data – Dr Rachel Taylor, British Trust for Ornithology and Dr Paul Holloway, University College Cork

– Nutritional analysis of dietary plants – Dr Gemma Beatty, Aberystwyth University

– Results of habitat vulnerability work – Dr Walther Cámaro, University College Cork

– ECHOES Platform and datasets, and how to take the platform forward – Raghnall O’Donoghue, Compass Informatics

– Questions

ECHOES has been funded through the Ireland-Wales Programme 2014-2020, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government, which focuses on seeking solutions to shared challenges on both sides of the Irish Sea.

This event was held in English.