Project Partners

The ECHOES project represents a genuine cross-border initiative, with distinctive but complementary contributions from the different partners.


University College Cork logo

Climate change projections, online decision support tools and information platforms, habitat mapping, regional land cover modelling, UAV data analysis and GIS.

Data management, machine learning, Earth Observation, habitat mapping, citizen science and online tools and platform development. 


Aberystwyth University logo

Administration of EU funded projects, species distribution modelling, mudflats and saltmarsh ecology, bird surveys, habitat mapping, regional land cover modelling, UAV surveys, Earth Observation. Lead partner on this project.

Geo Smart Decisions logo

Project management and coordination, habitat mapping using Earth Observation, online tools and platform development, citizen science, UAV data analysis, GIS, stakeholder engagement, conservation planning, outreach and communications.

BTO logo

Avian ecology, bird surveys, bird tracking and innovative technology and approaches and conservation planning.