The ECHOES project is overseen by an Advisory Board of leading experts and key stakeholders in climate change, bird ecology and information systems. The role of the Advisory Board is to provide objective and expert advice, guidance and comment on the methods, objectives and direction of ECHOES.
Advisory Board members:

John Coll
John is on the ECHOES Programme Board as well as the Advisory Board. He works with the Irish Climate Analysis and Research Units (ICARUS) at Maynooth University working on a range of projects. His interests are climate change impacts, adaptation and the conservation implications of climate change.

Helen Boland
Helen Boland works with BirdWatch Ireland, with 17 years of professional experience largely focused on waterbird ecology. Helen currently manages the Dublin Bay Birds Project – funded By Dublin Port Company – which is designed to fill gaps in knowledge about the waterbirds of Dublin Bay, with components including waterbird survey data collection, breeding tern monitoring and colour-ringing of terns and waders.

Clive Walmsley
Clive is Principle Climate Change Advisor at Natural Resources Wales. He is an applied environmental scientist and uses communicating scientific evidence to enhance environmental policy and practice in Wales and beyond.

Dave Wall
Dave is Citizen Science Officer at the National Biodiversity Data Centre. He project manages the EPA funded Explore Your Shore! project, which focuses on using intertidal species as indicators of climate change and water quality.

Al Heal
Al is the Senior Ecologist and Conservation Team leader with Ceredigion County Council. She has a background in Environmental Sciences and particular interests in coastal impacts of climate change, habitat management for biodiversity and carbon sequestration, and toads and frogs.

Bernadette Guest
Bernadette is Heritage Officer with Waterford City & County Council and works on natural heritage projects, policy development and awareness events within the local authority and the general public. She is a member of the Irish Ramsar Wetlands Committee and the board of the National Biodiversity Data Centre.

Gerry Forde
Gerry is Head of Section/Senior Engineer in the Environment Department at Wexford County Council. The role covers a number of broad areas including Water/Air Quality, Waste Management, Litter and the coastal zone. The coastal brief includes the management of 11 harbours and ports, 7 Blue Flag Beaches, 8 Green Coast beaches, coastal erosion projects and investigations and management issues along Wexford’s 250 Km coastlines.

Patrick Lindley
Patrick is a Senior Ornithologist for Natural Resources Wales. As an undergraduate student, a fascination with bird ecology and recovery initiatives rapidly turned to a career in ornithology that has included academic and conservation opportunities in Wales, Scotland, Sweden, Canada, and Morocco. Over the last seven years, Patrick has focused on a wide-ranging remit with Natural Resources Wales helping to set the strategic direction of terrestrial and marine ornithology in Wales.

Dave Anning
Dave has been working as Site Manager at the RSPB Ynys-hir reserve since 2013. His main ornithological interests include woodland and lowland wet grassland birds. Dave’s responsibilities as Site Manager include overseeing management of the rich mosaic of habitats found at Ynys-hir and helping to ensure that Ynys-hir is a warm and welcoming place for the 15,000 annual visitors.
Carol Fielding
Carol is NRW’s Environment Team Leader for Ceredigion in West Wales.