Eco and Wellbeing Codes

Eco Code

The ECHOES Consortium is committed to sustainability. We aim to carry out the following actions:


The ECHOES Consortium embrace the principles of sustainability by preventing, reducing, repairing, reusing, recycling or minimising waste.

• In our offices, we will recycle all plastic, paper/cardboard, glass and aluminium products, and compost appropriate perishable items.
• Reduce printing and encourage/make use of paperless technology.


The ECHOES Consortium will encourage travelling for work purposes only when there is no alternative by: Reducing the need for travel by using ICT e.g., email, telephone, Basecamp, and video conferencing.

• Encourage car share, using public transport and ferry travel (instead of flying).


The ECHOES Consortium will consider environmental impacts during the procurement of all equipment, materials, and venues.

• Use existing hardware (mobile phones, tablets) and equipment.
• If feasible, rent equipment.
• Use local businesses/producers.
• Produce environmentally friendly promotional/marketing material, using recycled paper if available.
• Where possible ensure external venues follow environmental best practices in their day-to-day running, particularly with regard to energy/water consumption and the provision of recycling facilities.
• Promote use of reusable water bottles and provide drinking water supply at events, avoiding provision of single use plastic bottled water and cups.


The ECHOES Consortium will seek to reduce energy consumption by:

• Following energy efficiency measures and best practice in all workplaces.
• Subscribe to green energy suppliers where possible.


The ECHOES Consortium will seek to minimise the impact of our activities on the biodiversity of sites where we work, and where possible, make efforts to increase it.

• Follow and share good practice with partners and stakeholders, e.g., with avian flu safety protocols.
• Ensure that stakeholder activities and events consciously promote biodiversity and do not harm any sensitive areas.
• All infrastructure/installations to be discreet and to have zero minimal impact on biodiversity.

Raising Environmental Awareness

The ECHOES Consortium will identify, create, and share information that will enable communities to better understand the environment around them.

• Undertake ecology work to increase knowledge and understanding of the impact of climate change on the coastal habitats of the Greenland White-fronted Goose and Curlew.
• Raise awareness among stakeholders in Ireland and Wales through public outreach, citizen science, dissemination materials, social media, and website.
• Provide land managers with a web-based tool to forecast and adapt to the impacts of climate change on bird habitats.

Wellbeing Code


Support ECHOES Consortium staff to take care of both their mental and physical wellbeing.

• Encourage staff to take regular breaks from their computer screens.
• Facilitate and promote activities to improve mental and physical fitness e.g., mindfulness.
• Discourage staff responding to emails etc on weekends, on annual leave and out of work hours.


ECHOES Consortium aims to eliminate any form of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or victimisation in the workplace.

• Ensure the Echoes Consortium treat all employees and job applicants fairly and equally regardless of age, physical ability, gender identity, civil status, family status, race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality, and national origin), religious beliefs, faith, or sexual orientation.

Cohesive Workplace

Aim for all ECHOES Consortium staff to be up to date on Operation delivery progress and have to the ability to provide feedback.

• Arrange regular team meetings so all members of staff are up to date on Operation progress.
• Encourage staff to provide feedback on aspects of the Operation.
• Promote cross project / department / institution collaborations.

Welsh & Irish Language and Culture

When appropriate seek to operate in a bilingual manner and encourage the use of Welsh language.

• Aim for publicity material and social media posts to be fully bilingual.
• Where appropriate encourage staff to improve their Welsh/ Gaeilge language skills.