Webinar guidelines

Will you be joining an ECHOES webinar in the near future? Great, we look forward to having you!

Please bear in mind that we are new to this method of hosting events! We hope that it will run smoothly. If problems occur, we will try to fix them as quickly as we can.

There are a few things about webinars that are good to know about beforehand. Please take a look at the Q&A below, so you know what to expect.


What platform will we use?

Zoom – webinar add-on.

How do I join the webinar?

After you registered to join the webinar you were sent an email with a link and a password. To join the webinar, click on the link and enter your password. Please note that this link is personal to you and should not be shared with anyone else.

What happens when I enter the password?

You will be placed in a ‘waiting room’ until the host opens the room and admits you. Please aim to join the waiting room ten minutes before the webinar is due to begin.

Can the attendees see or hear each other?

No. This is a view-only platform where the attendees cannot see or hear each other, and the host cannot see the attendees. When you enter the webinar, you will be muted automatically.

Can I ask questions to the presenters?

Attendees are encouraged to ask questions using the Q&A facility. Questions will not be anonymous; attendees will be able to see all questions and you will have the ability to ‘upvote’ to push a question further to the top.

Can I chat with other attendees?

Private 1:1 messaging will not be possible however you will be able to add a comment here that the presenter and all panellists will be able to see.

What about privacy? Will my image / name appear anywhere afterwards?

Attendees’ videos cannot be seen during the webinar though names will appear on the ‘attendee list’. If you ask a question your name will be listed next to the question as anonymous questions will not be enabled.

Will the event be recorded?

The event will be recorded and posted on the web afterwards. Details will be provided on our website and our social media channels.

Will there be translation into Welsh?

The ECHOES project hopes to transcribe the event afterwards and have this translated into Welsh. The transcript will be made available on our website and links will be promoted via our social media channels. If technology allows, we also hope to add subtitles to our recording of the event. As above, this will be promoted on our website and social media channels.

Please contact us at info@echoesproj.eu if you have any further questions.