Adnoddau Dysgu

Croeso i dudalen Adnoddau ECHOES. Rydym wedi llunio rhestr o adnoddau a gynhyrchwyd gan eraill ar gyfer athrawon, rhieni, a’r cyhoedd i ddysgu am y Gylfinir, Gwydd Talcen-wen yr Ynys Las, bioamrywiaeth, cynefinoedd arfordirol a newid hinsawdd.  

Gwybodaeth am y Gylfinir

BTO Bird ID – Gylfinir a Chorwynt Fideo yn dangos sut i adnabod y Gylfinir.  

Irish Peatland Conservation/Curlew Task Force – Taflen wybodaeth y gellir ei lawrlwytho am y Gylfinir sy’n bridio yn Iwerddon. 

Curlew Country Learning Hub Download activities, quizzes, primary school lesson plans and in season, view the breeding Curlew Cam!

Wader Tales blogs are written by Graham Appleton, to celebrate waders and wader research. Many of the 107 articles are based on previously published papers, with the aim of making wader science available to a broader audience.

LIVE (Llŷn IVeragh Eco-museums): World Curlew Day Resources  These resources were developed by a team of Knowledge Gatherers, working on the LIVE Project, with the assistance from the Curlew Conservation Programme. They can be used for educational purposes only. All images are being used with permission, and remain copyrighted by the credited owner. Special thanks to Ben Porter, Linda Lyne and Birdwatch Ireland.

ECHOES Curlew poster


Bird tracking: A Masterclass – Mae Phil Atkinson yn esbonio'r dechnoleg y tu ôl i olrhain adar.

BirdTrack A free and convenient way of storing your bird records online. BirdTrack lets you keep up to date with what others are seeing, view the latest trends, and contribute your data to BTO science.

European colour-ring Birding – A platform between the field-observer and the project-leader. It explains how to use your field observations of ringed birds.

BirdWatch Ireland – Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS) monitor wintering waterbirds in Ireland. I-WeBS counters record waterbirds at wetland sites across the country during the winter ‘non-breeding’ season (September to March). The type of wetlands surveyed range from wet grasslands to large complex estuaries that hold thousands of birds, and everything in between. They’re always in need of new counters, so if you have a telescope and would like to get involved to help monitor your local waterbirds, see ‘Get involved in I-WeBS’ on the following webpage.

Curlew conservation organisations 

Curlew Action supports curlew recovery by advocating for conservation efforts, developing and sharing resources for fieldworkers, and promoting wider natural history education.

Curlew Observation Training Film By Curlew Country – This training film was a partnership initiative by Curlew Country and the British Trust for Ornithology. It was made in 2017 by photographer and cameraman Ben Osborne. The idea is to help those unfamiliar with Curlew behaviour who are trying to record adult numbers or support breeding activity. 


The Story of Britain’s Curlews: Winter, Curlew Action – Yn cynnwys naratif a cherddoriaeth wreiddiol gan David Gray, mae’r ffilm fer hon yn edrych ar gyflwr y gylfiniriaid ym Mhrydain wrth iddynt frwydro i oroesi yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf. 

Keeper of the Call – A short film produced, filmed and edited by Billy Clapham Featuring The UK Lowland Curlew Recovery Project – Curlew Country. 

Wynford Jones, a retired Welsh farmer, is determined to not let the song he grew up with disappear without a fight. By working with ambitious conservationists, Wynford is on a mission to help his one remaining pair of curlews raise some young. 

BBC Winterwatch 2021 Series 9: Episode 6 Iolo Williams highlights the Curlew at Cefni Valley, Wales and the ECHOES project. 

Tynnwch lun gyda Don: Dewch i Dynnu Gylfinir Learn how to draw a Curlew. 

Information about the Gwydd Talcen-wen yr Ynys Las 

Greenland White-fronted Goose Study website is packed full of information about this species and how it has been studied in the past.

The Wildlife Trusts web page gives a short description of the geese.

Sut all bobl helpu? 

Support organisations that are studying these geese. Keep your distance! These birds are very shy and easily disturbed. Talk about them and climate change…this helps to promote awareness of their decline and how we could all help in future to preserve and restore their habitats.  

Other organisations involved with GWFG 

Mae'r BirdWatch Ireland website page has information about Wexford Wildfowl Reserve, Co. Wexford, Ireland, where the GWfG is a key species that over winters on the reserve. 

Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) – Greenland white-fronted goose monitoring – Website page explaining how WWT and partners have been monitoring the GWfG in the past.

Erthyglau o ddiddordeb 

BirdGuides: Goose ‘fitness tracker’ reveals migration struggles 26/12/17


BBC Winterwatch 2021 Series 9: Episode 4 Iolo Williams has eyes on the very rare white-fronted geese that migrate to Wales every year.

Gweithdy ID Gwyddau Llwyd gan BTO  

Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust: Saving the Greenland White-Fronted Goose The Postcode Lottery Charity supported organisation investigate the drastic downturn in the population of Greenland White-Fronted Geese.

Adnoddau addysgu bioamrywiaeth 

BirdWatch Ireland Primary School Action Guide – Resources for teachers on nature activities.

National Biodiversity Data Centre Ireland – Guides and posters available.

Llên Natur – Gwefan Natur i Bobl Cymru

Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (NRW) Vast amount of education material. Search for resources by topic, key stage or site. 
Resources in English
Resources in Welsh

United Nations

Cynefinoedd arfordirol 

WWT Nature’s super systems: Why wetlands hold the key to saving the bioamrywiaeth y blaned In-depth webpage about the value of wetlands biodiversity.

What are saltmarshes and mudflats and why are they important?

National Biodiversity Network (NBN) UK State of Nature 2019 Report, Infographics, Videos, Blogs and Additional material.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – State of Nature Report, Wales 2019

New hinsawdd 

CCAT (Coastal Communities Adapting Together) is a fellow Ireland Wales Programme project within Priority 2 ‘Adaptation of the Irish Sea and Coastal Communities to Climate Change’. CCAT has compiled extensive resources. 

Climate Ambassador Ireland resources page on Climate change with facts, FAQ’s and videos. 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special reports available here such as ‘Global Warming 1.5C’ and ‘Climate Change and Land’. 

ECO-UNESCO Youth Climate Justice Survey 2020 – In October 2020 as part of the ‘Youth Climate Justice challenge’, ECO-UNESCO, in collaboration with, conducted an online survey with young people. The purpose of the survey is to highlight how young people of Ireland feel about climate change.

Channel 4 News: How climate change is affecting the world 14/09/20 Includes Dan Rouse (Ornithologist) talking with younger children about the reduction in numbers of curlew.