World Curlew Day Webinar

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The recording can be viewed below.

21st April 2021

A vital part of the ECHOES project is the study of overwintering Eurasian Curlew along the shores of the Irish Sea. In this webinar, our researchers will tell you about our research and what we have found out so far.

There will be a LIVE Q&A, wonderful music and we will announce the winners of our Draw a Curlew competition.


Mick Green
Curlew on the Dyfi Estuary – What we know and what we need to find out

Mick has been involved in surveys and studies on curlew for over 25 years, in Wales and around the world. For the ECHOES project, Mick helps co-ordinate our surveys and ringing studies on the Dyfi Estuary and surrounding habitats.

Rachel Taylor
Tagging data from Cefni Valley – Can curlews adapt to the coastal squeeze?

Rachel is coordinating the bird tracking activities for the ECHOES project in Ireland and Wales. The rest of her time is spent leading the development of the British Trust for Ornithology’s scientific profile in Wales – developing regionally appropriate projects and managing local projects in the Principality.

Katharine Bowgen
Joining the dots: Tags tell a story of winter wandering

Katharine is a behavioural ecologist and modeller who works for the British Trust for Ornithology. For the ECHOES project, Katharine is analysing tracking data from tagging projects and population modelling. Being a licenced bird ringer, she will also be assisting with the tagging fieldwork and data management from the downloads of the deployed tags.

Walther Camaro
Curlew habitats: A view from space

Walther is a post-doc Researcher based at University College Cork and is part of the habitat and land cover mapping team at the ECHOES project. Using Earth Observation, Walther will be generating a set of habitat and land cover maps for key areas in Ireland and Wales.


Rachel Taylor, Katharine Bowgen and Walther Camaro will answer your questions live.

Draw a Curlew – winners of the competition announced

Leading up to World Curlew Day, ECHOES launched a drawing competition for children along the Irish Sea coastlines. Four winners will be announced. 

Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich:
Glaoch an Chúirliúin (The Curlew’s Call)

Méabh is a musician based in the West of Ireland. She forms part of Barddair an Cheoil – a small group of poets and musicians dedicated to collaborating, writing and performing in their native languages – Irish and Welsh. They have chosen as their themes the ocean and estuaries, the changes brought about there by climate change, and the creatures threatened by these changes. Méabh has kindly offered to play us one of her songs. If you like what you hear (and you will!), do tune into the Barddair an Cheoil gig later on World Curlew Day. For more info, see:

Key information

Duration: 1h 30 mins, incl. Q&A

The webinar will be View only – attendees’ videos and audio will be switched off automatically.  

Questions will be submitted in written form.

The webinar will be recorded.

How it works

The webinar is hosted on Zoom and booking a place is required.

Booking requires a functioning email address as the link to access the webinar will be sent there. Only one booking is allowed per email address.

You will usually receive notifications from us 1 day and 1 hour before the event is scheduled to take place.

This notification will include a Zoom webinar link. Simply click shortly before the webinar is due to begin.

Do not share your email link with other users. Space on the webinars is limited and each link will only give one user access.

If you have any questions, please get in touch!