Web Platform – Tools Design and Development


What the Web Platform set out to do

  • Provide tools for land managers and policy makers to make more informed decisions.
  • Manage actions for sites in order to maintain healthy populations of wetland birds.
  • Expand on currently developed techniques in the Earth Observation sector.

Lead: Compass Informatics

Web Platform Process and Results

The ECHOES Platform was developed with the end user in mind. Understanding the needs and requirements of users and stakeholders has been central to this. The process of gathering requirements was ongoing until Autumn 2022. Development work was then completed, and the platform was shared with stakeholders for user testing.

The presentation below was given at the ECHOES Closure Conference on 9 March 2023.

The Journey to the Web Platform

https://echoes-platform.eu is the link to the current ECHOES cloud platform.

NOTE: This platform will no longer be available after June 2023.

Below are two presentations outlining the process that Work Package 7 used to create the Platform.

Tools for Land Managers and Policy Makers

Below is a video that demonstrates the key tools developed within the Platform. More information on how to use these areas can be found here.

The platform is open source and available to be used and built on.  All source code, full technical documentation, deployment instructions as well as possible architecture and associated cost profiles, are available at https://github.com/ECHOESProj. Detailed user documentation how-to documentation is also available in the same github project.

User Guide Videos (December 2022)

The following videos provide instructions on how to use the main functional areas of the platform. More information on how to use these areas can be found in the documentation here.