Climate projections & habitat vulnerability assessments


What we set out to do

The ECHOES project is underpinned by the need to understand the potential impacts of climate change on the distribution of wetland habitats along the Irish Sea coast, with a particular focus on those of the Eurasian Curlew and Greenland White-fronted Goose. Based on the existing regional distribution of habitats and species assessment activities, information on climate change scenarios is being combined with bio-climatic data to assess the vulnerability of the existing habitats. This information will be used to identify habitats that are particularly susceptible to projected climate change and to identify species with high extinction probability. The potential for habitats to change in the future and become more suitable for wetland bird habitats will also be explored. Tools for site managers to understand the impacts of climate change on their site will be made accessible through the tools on the ECHOES web platform.

Lead: University College Cork

Process and Results

Presentation by Dr Walther Camaro from University College Cork at the ECHOES Project Closure Conference, held on 9 March 2023.